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Special Religious Education

Teaching SRE in our local schools.

Special Religious Education

For many years Liberty has had volunteers that have been authorised by us to teach SRE in our local primary schools.

All of our SRE teachers have been cleared by Kids Guardian and undergo SRE training carried out by Godspace and Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT. This training covers classroom management, child protection and many other teaching guidelines. All or our SRE teachers follow authorised age appropriate curriculums that can be viewed below:




These curriculums are taught in a sensitive and respectful manner. The Gosford and District Ministers Association (GDMA) is the governing body that authorises the curriculum that are being used and every 5 years or less all curriculums are reviewed by GDMA. The GDMA is made up of a number of local church leaders who are responsible for raising the funds needed to purchase the teaching materials needed for SRE. 

For any other curriculum enquiries please contact: Ingrid Scott (SRE Coordinator)

If you are interested in becoming a SRE teacher, please contact our church office.

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